"Community is a place of self-definition... Without a community you cannot be yourself. The community is where we draw the strength needed to effect changes inside of us" - Malidoma Some

To come fully into our bodies, by necessity, draws us into relationship with others. Many ubuntu and indigenous scholars go as far as to say that to achieve full personhood, which is to be fully embodied in our humanity; can only happen when we are in relationship with others in our community. The beauty of this, is that being in community helps us discover the wonder of who we are from within and to be witnessed by our community as this process happens, helps ground us in the truth of who we are, not just in our minds , but from our hearts.
When we are embodied, we can then see ourselves animated in real-time. That can be scary at first! But when met with kindness and compassion, it can feel quite magical!
Is who you are in your head the same as who you are in your heart and your body?

Who you are in your body more likely than not, is who you are in relationship with the people around you. And, to be honest, most of our principles and values (kindness, truth, compassion, patience, etc.) are qualities that can only really be fully realized in how we show up with our people. When we are fully present in our bodies, we can better understand and empathize with the experiences of those around us.
Some words I'll leave you with to sign out:
"Embodiment is the act of fully inhabiting our physical selves, and by doing so, we naturally connect with the physical experiences of others, creating a deeper sense of community and belonging"-Peter Block